Statement of Peace and Non-Violence
Florida Preborn Rescue affirms the following:
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To seek and save life For those who have no voice Rescuing the preborn in St Petersburg, FL
Labels: Sidewalk Counseling Presentation
Labels: Mission Statement, The Great Need
Abortion Worldwide
Annually, 46 million babies die from abortion worldwide. That’s approximately one baby being aborted every two seconds.
Abortion in the United States
An estimated 48 million babies have been aborted since 1973. Approximately 24% of all U.S. pregnancies end in abortion.
Characteristics of Women Having Abortions
Over half (56%) of all women having abortions between 15-44 are in their 20’s.
Nearly eight in 10 U.S. women obtaining an abortion report a religious affiliation
43% are Protestant and
27% are Catholic
8% are other religions
41% of women having abortions are white, 32% are black, and 20% are hispanic.
Black and Hispanic women have higher abortion rates than non-Hispanic white women. Black women’s abortion rates are 49 per 1,000, Hispanic women’s are 33 per 1,000 and non-Hispanic white women’s are 13 per 1,000.
According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the most recurrent characteristics of women having abortions over time are nonwhite, poor and unmarried.
Reasons For Abortion
98% Personal Choice (unwanted or inconvenient)
1.7% Life/Health of Mother or Child
.3% Rape/Incest
Abortion by Gestational Age
African American Community
According to the CDC, each year 616,074 African Americans are born.
458,500 babies will have died from abortion.
284,877 blacks will have died that same year through anything from natural causes to heart disease.
There are 743,377 Africans Americans dying yearly. This number is 127,303 more than those that are born.
From 1973 to 2004, nearly 30% of the black population were erased through abortion. Out of the average 4,400 babies dying daily that are reported abortions, an estimated 1,300 are African American. They account for 32% of women having abortions yearly, yet make up only 13% of the American population. African American women are 3 times as likely to have an abortion than other women.
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