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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Support Letter November 2012

November 1, 2012

Dear Friends,
Greetings in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I trust this letter finds you well and enjoying the grace of God.

In 2004, my family and I moved to Florida, and since 2004, I have been a member of Gulf Coast Community Church in St Petersburg, FL. Like most evangelicals, I considered myself pro-life. 
However, on Mother’s Day 2007, my pastor, Jerry Cisar preached a life-changing message on the horrors of abortion, entitled, “The Number One Problem In America Today.” God definitely used that sermon to open my eyes to the horrors of abortion. Since then, I have sensed the LORD calling me to action.

Soon after, I became involved with pro-life politics on both the local and state levels. In 2009, I was blessed to meet Cal Zastrow, President of Personhood USA, on his tour through Florida promoting the Personhood Amendment, which would amend the Florida Constitution so that the word 'person' applies to all human beings, irrespective of age, race, sex, health, function, or condition of dependency, including unborn children at every stage of their biological development regardless of the method of creation.

In March 2011, I drove to Jackson, MS to help Mr. Zastrow in promoting Mississippi’s Personhood Amendment, and to participate in sidewalk counseling and ministry in Mississippi’s only! abortion facility. I regularly volunteer as a sidewalk counselor at a local abortion clinic here in St Petersburg, and serve on Gulf Coast Community Church’s Pro Life Action Team. I am also involved with the Pinellas Pro-Life Alliance, a pro-life nonprofit organization located here in Pinellas County Florida.

Fast forward to Summer 2012….

I am writing to you in order to announce the creation of my pro-life mission work, FLORIDA PREBORN RESCUE.  Florida Preborn Rescue has four goals. First, to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to women and men considering abortion. Second, to rescue the preborn from discrimination and destruction, as we are commanded to Proverbs 24:11-12. Third,  to equip and awaken the church to demonstrate Christ’s love and compassion through sidewalk counseling. Fourth, to reach out to the doctors and abortion mill workers with the redemptive love of Jesus. FPR deploys sidewalk counseling trainers to local churches near abortion clinics in order to rescue the preborn from death, and to spare mothers and fathers from a lifetime of guilt. FPR labors to further connect women in crisis with Christian organizations and centers that will help them make the godly choice for life. Further, FPR also is working with churches, youth groups, and schools to promote a “conscience for life” among the next generation.

Every city in Florida of respectable size has at least one abortion clinic. And every city in Florida of respectable size has hundreds of Bible-believing churches which are pro-life. The Tampa Bay area alone has seven abortion clinics, and over 1000 churches. In fact, many abortion clinics have over 100 churches within a five mile radius.

But over 400 babies are killed every day in our state. Many of these clinics are without a Christian witness and the slaughter continues unrecognized and in secret. Those who do volunteer to minister to women and their babies are volunteering their own time and cannot, due to other obligations, minister full time. In this battle, the pro-life side is a volunteer army with many other responsibilities and obligations; the pro-death side has doctors, and volunteers, and in some cases, paid escorts to get the women into the clinics.  But the LORD has raised up Florida Preborn Rescue for “such a time as this…”

Here is where you come in.

Will you prayerfully consider supporting FLORIDA PREBORN RESCUE with either a one-time or monthly financial support? All donations are tax-deductible. I am hoping to be able to be a full-time missionary with FLORIDA PREBORN RESCUE in 12-18 months. Your support will be used to cover start up costs, literature distribution, audio/visuals, and travel throughout the state to promote FPR.


Scott J Mahurin
Florida Preborn Rescue
P.O. Box 10976
St Petersburg, FL  33733
(727) 481-3354



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