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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Another Baby Saved!



Saturday, August 23rd was just like any other Saturday in St Petersburg.

Muggy. Hot. And relatively quiet early in the morning.


The All Women's Health Center abortion clinic (located at 4131 Central Avenue) alternates their times between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, in order to mix up the sidewalk counselors and others who regularly come out to pray.

Today was a “later” Saturday, and when I arrived on the sidewalk with the others, it was already hot.

About ten of us had gathered to pray, and at around 9:00, cars began
pulling into the parking lot.

We reached out to the first two “clients”, but to no avail. Both entered the clinic without taking any information.

A third car pulled in around 9:30. Inside a woman sat and waited.

She was alone.

This usually means she was there to “support” a friend, or she was waiting for one her friends to come and “support” her.

However, we could tell that she was there for an abortion. She seemed distressed as I tried to motion to her. She made no movements at all.

I fired off about 50 texts to my prayer team.

From all over the country, pro-lifers began to pray. Within minutes, she started the car and began backing up.

She rolled down the window and waved at me.

 “I just changed my mind! I can't go through with this.”

 What a blessing! I gave her some information about some local pregnancy centers and got her phone number.

We all began rejoicing right there in the Florida morning muggy.

Stay tuned for updates.

Please pray for “Katrina” as she gets the help that she needs, that she would give her life to Jesus, and that her baby can be raised in a godly home.


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