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Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Call to Rescue

The call to rescue the preborn is given in Scripture countless times, but the two most often quoted sections appear in Proverbs 24:11-12 and Prov. 31:8-9. In these passages, we are told to rescue those being led away to the slaughter, and to speak for those who have no voice.

So, who are those being led away to the slaughter? For whom do we speak? And to whom is this command given?

The preborn in the United States are being led away to the slaughter. Here in Florida, we have 69 abortion clinics, and over 400 babies are lost every day. This is the third highest total in the United States. In the Tampa Bay area alone, we have 10 abortion clinics. It is the preborn that we speak for; the preborn who are led away to destruction.

The command to go rescue is given to every Christian, to every lover of justice, to all who embrace life. All of us many not be called to go and stand at abortion clinics and preach, but everyone can pray, raise, awareness, promote the cause of life on social media, and share with others at our respective churches. The love of life should always be on our lips.

Since we have been rescued from death, we must rescue others.

Every Christian should consider donating to pro-life ministries like Florida Preborn Rescue. The call to rescue is clear, and I am seeking to answer the call. But I cannot do this on my own, I need your help. Babies are aborted every day in St Petersburg. Their moms and dads are desperate and need someone on the sidewalk to communicate the gospel and to save babies.

Will you stand with me? I want to be your voice on the sidewalk. Thank you for reading and for prayerfully considering becoming a financial supporter.


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