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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

You Can Only Buy Baby Parts...Of a Dead Baby....

You Can Only Sell Body Parts….of Dead Babies
Scott J Mahurin

As pretty much everyone has seen by now, Planned Parenthood has been busted in a video for discussing the sale of body parts of aborted babies.
In the video, excellently devised and produced by the Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life group based in Southern California, a Planned Parenthood executive discussed the going rates for livers, hearts, and lungs of dead babies casually over wine and salad.

Dead babies.




Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood wasn’t sure if it was $30, $70, or $100 for a dead baby’s heart. 

But she seems to be an expert on how to get it.

I have several thoughts on this going forward and how pro-lifers should respond.

First, we must remember that as disgusting, nauseating and horrifying as the video is, that this kind of thing HAPPENS ALLTHE TIME.
For over 40 years, aborted babies have either been disposed of in dumpsters, picked up by medical waste disposal companies like Stericycle, and then incinerated with other medical “waste,” or sold on the black market for profit.
The fact that this is the first time many Americans have heard about what can happen to aborted babies tells us how good the pro-abortion crowd is at keeping things secret.

Second, the mainstream media is beginning to pick this up. CNN and CBS both ran the story on their evening news programs, and neither network is known for its sympathy for pro-lifers and conservatives.

But this actually leads us to another point. The mainstream media’s response is almost as callous as Dr. Nutacola. On CBS, the issue was whether or not abortion was good or bad, or dismembering the baby was ethical or not, since these things are settled in their minds—but whether any federal laws were broken in the potential selling of baby body parts.

So, let’s make sure we aren’t as callous as Dr.Nutacola. Only in a culture as confused as ours can we be outraged about the selling of baby body parts but ask no questions about how the baby parts got there in the first place.

Third, watch the GOP candidates closely here. Thesis now a national issue, so the candidates will be lining up. However, some of them have been calling for Planned Parenthood’s defunding for a long time, while others will see the wind blowing a certain direction and position themselves accordingly. Either way, we should do our homework. Do not read this as an endorsement, but Planned Parenthood is scared of Ted Cruz. That is because heptoses a real threat to their organization. There are others like Mr. Cruz in the nomination fight, and we should take a closer look at them.

Fourth, recall that this video is the product of something. And that something is the result of elections and judicial appointments. That something is the result of a large number of Christians who have been silent on the issue of abortion. Ironically, we see that we are all pro-choice, and because of the choices we have made as a nation, we are where we are.

So, we have to keep our eye on the ball here. You can only get a baby heart from Planned Parenthood if the baby has already been murdered.

It might cost $100 to get a baby’s heart, but this can only happen in a culture that has lost their own.

So, it may seem like God has given us over to what we want, but let not lose hope. Let us repent and pray. May God have mercy on all of us. Find out where your nearest abortion clinic is located. Ask the LORD how you can get involved to stop abortion. If you are blessed enough to live in a city without a clinic, (my city currently has five and the city across the bay also has five) then donate to pro-life ministries and pregnancy centers who can help those in crisis pregnancies. Give support to the sidewalk counselor son the front lines of this movement. And let us remember the words of King Solomon in Proverbs 24:11-12.

Deliver those who are drawn toward death,
And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
If you say, “Surely we did not know this,”
Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it?
He who keeps your soul, does He not know it?
And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?


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